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Electronic Coyote Calls
Have you ever wanted to try out coyote calling or just need a new call. Here is a list of several coyote calls.
Some can connect to your phone and others will allow you to add sounds to your phone. One option that may save you a little money is just use a bluetooth speaker and get some coyote call sounds on you phone to try it out.
Electronic coyote calls (photo from: Ben P.)
Checkout the rest of the list to see what electronic coyote call options are out there.
FOXPRO Shockwave Coyote Call
This coyote call is one of the top of the line coyote calls for FOXPRO. It is a four speaker system that comes with 100 sounds with the option to add up to 1000 sounds. This is one of the nicest coyote calls on the market.
ICOtec Outlaw Professional Coyote Call and Decoy
This Icotec call comes with a tripod to get the call up out of the vegetation. The tripod can get the call 45 inches off the ground. The call comes with a remote control that works up to 300 yards and holds up to 500 sounds. Comes with 250 sounds.
Icotec Night Stalker Coyote Call
This call has 240 sounds and can play two sounds at the same time. The call comes with a 5 year warranty and has a good night hunting remote.
Coyote Decoy
Coyote decoy to make those hard to get coyotes mad and come in to show who is boss! Comes with flax fur tail and legs can be positioned to your liking. Hollow body for storing removable legs.
ICOtec Electronic Coyote Call
Remote control electronic coyote call with a remote range of 300 yards. This one is a cheaper version of the calls that I have on this page.
It will play two calls at the same time, recently added back lights to the remote control.
FOXPRO Fusion Coyote Call
The FOXPRO Fusion coyote call allows the user to play two calls at the same time. It comes with two speakers that can fade the sound from one speaker to the other to make it sound like the call is moving. You can definitely call coyotes and other predators in with this call.
FOXPRO Patriot Coyote Call
This coyote call seems to be more on the budget side of the FOXPRO brand coyote calls. It comes with space on the call for up to 300 sounds starting out with 35 sounds.
FOXPRO Deadbone Coyote Call
This call is another budget electric coyote call that comes with 15 sounds that are hard coded and can not be changed. Comes with a button for each sound for easy use.
iHunt Bluetooth Coyote Call
This call is a great option and connects with your phone and can play any sound you can get on your phone. There is an iHunt app that you can get with the call that has 750 call sounds on it. This one is listed at the lowest price of all the calls listed above.
Western Rivers Electronic Coyote Call
This call has room for 400 sounds and has a slot for an SD card to add more sounds. It also connects through bluetooth to your phone.
FOXPRO Shockwave Predator Call
This FOXPRO coyote call is is American made and comes with a 4 speaker system. It comes with preset sequences of calls so you can be ready when the coyote or other predator comes in.
MOJO Outdoors Coyote Call and Decoy
This coyote call can be used as a rechargeable option if you put the rechargeable batteries in it.