How High Can A Coyote Jump? Can It Jump A Fence?
In urban areas, coyotes have been running through cities like Phoenix, New York City, and many other cities and towns. As people have moved closer to coyote habitat coyotes have adapted to living in the city.

One of the biggest adaptations coyotes have made is in their ability to jump fences. Coyotes can easily scale most fences in neighborhoods. They will jump fences to get food or even catch and eat a pet.
Related: What to do if a coyote is pooping in my yard?
How High of a Fence or Wall Can a Coyote Jump Over?
Coyotes have been know to jump over an eight foot tall fence. But they don’t come over the fence in the air they jump and use the side and top of the fence to pull themselves over.
A coyote can jump a four to five foot fence without touching the fence but usually they will use the fence to pull them selves over. This usually means that most common fences will not keep coyotes out of your yard.
If you are worried about coyotes in your yard it is time to take two precautions to protect you kids, pets, and yard from coyotes in your neighborhood.
One of the best ways to keep coyotes from jumping your that is six to eight feet tall is to get coyote rollers.
What are Coyote Rollers Used For?
Coyote rollers are tubes that are installed on top of your fence that will keep your pets in and coyotes out. These tubes roll when ever a coyote or pet tries to push off the top of the fence or wall.
This rolling motion does not let the animal get a good hold on the wall and they slip right off. They work best on tall walls that pets and coyotes can’t jump over without touching the fence.
The best wall to use coyote rollers on is six feet tall or taller for coyotes. It may work to keep pets in on lower fences depending on how high your pet usually a dog can jump. Coyote rollers also work on cats though.

Image credit to: User: svantassel, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Amazon has several options on getting coyote rollers for your fence. You can check those out on the coyote roller page on Amazon. Remember one of these will not work because the coyote will use a different part of your fence that is not covered by a coyote roller. You want to put them on all fences that a coyote or your pet may try to jump over.
Will a Coyote Jump My Fence?
Well first we need to understand why a coyote may want to come into your yard. If you have coyote food in your yard then yes they may want to come into your yard.
Common food that a coyote may want in your yard is dog and cat food, trash or human food, or your pet (dog, cat, chickens, rabbits, and etc.). If a coyote has a reason to come into your yard it will try to get in.
If a coyote can come and get one of these quick meals and it can get over your fence it will. Coyotes are scavengers and have learned in the city to get the easy meal.
Will a Coyote Jump a Fence to Get a Dog?
A coyote will come in your yard after your pets. Coyotes are fast predators and will eat dogs and cats that they can catch on a regular basis if they are living in the city. If you want to know how to keep your pets safe from coyotes you can read our article on how to protect your pets form coyotes.
FAQ on Specific Fences That a Coyote Can Jump
Below we are going to answer questions about specific fences to help you understand what type of fence will not work to keep a coyote out of your yard.
Can a Coyote Jump a Wrought Iron Fence?
If a wrought iron fence is tall enough it may be one of the best options out there for keeping coyotes out of your yard because there is not a good place half way up the fence for a coyote to push off of to get to the top of the fence.
If you wrought iron fence is too short like around five to six feet, you may be a good candidate for coyote rollers to help keep coyotes out.
Can a Coyote Jump a Chain Link Fence?
A chain link fence actually allows coyotes to get a decent push to get over a fence if the fence is tall enough. Most people have three to five foot tall chain link fences around their yard and that will not even slow a coyote down.
I saw a video of coyotes attacking chickens in somebodies yard and they jumped right over the chain link fence almost without even touching the fence. They then attacked their chickens.
A chain link fence is probably not tall enough unless you are getting into that eight foot range and that sill may not be tall enough to keep them out.
Can a Coyote Jump a 5 Foot Fence?
Coyotes will take most five foot fences in stride. They may even jump the fence without even touching it or just slightly push off the top of the fence as they come over.
Can a Coyote Jump a 6 Foot Wall?
At six feet a coyote will probably get over your wall. Walls are especially bad because a coyote will run and push up on the side of the wall and easily in stride get to the top.
When visiting mesa as a kid my parents saw a coyote running along the top of a six or seven foot wall. Walls may need to be protected with electric wire to keep coyotes from getting over them.
Can a Coyote Jump a 6 Foot Fence?
For a coyote to jump a 6 foot fence it may be a little harder than a wall but still if the fence has good traction for a coyote to run and push it self over the fence and get a foothold at the top they will make it over.
As you start getting to the six foot fence is where coyote rollers will start working really well to get the coyote to fall off the fence as it tries to pull it self over the fence. Coyotes can get over these fences quickly with out another layer of defense.
Can a Coyote Jump an 8 Foot Fence?
An eight foot fence is getting in the range of slowing a coyote down. There was the people that had a eight foot wood fence that had a coyote jump into their backyard and attack their dog.
With an eight foot fence coyote rollers will work the best. There is not way a coyote is getting over an eight foot fence with rollers on the top without something like a ramp to help it hurdle the fence. This is probably one of the best ways to keep coyotes out of your yard that want in, eight feet or taller.
Relate links: How to keep coyotes out of your yard