How Long Do You Boil Traps?
When preparing traps for coyote trapping you will need to boil your traps to remove oil and scent from the traps. Coyotes, fox, and other canines can smell incredibly well and they can smell a trap with oil and other human or animal scents on them.

Boil your new traps for 30 minutes to an hour to remove any oil on the traps. It can help to add some dish soap to the water to remove more of the oil scents from your traps.
There are a few ways to boil and clean your old traps that have caught coyotes or other animals. Old traps that have caught animals can be reboiled to remove the scent of the animal.
You do not need to reboil your traps on a remake set. A remake set is a set that has already caught a coyote or other animal. Sets that are remade where an animal was caught have the scent of the animal in the catch circle.
The trap also has the scent of the animal so it will be hard for an animal to tell the difference between the smell of the dirt and the smell of the trap. Remaking a set is good because it will attract other animals with the urine and scent the other animal left at the location.
After you have boiled your traps, always use rubber gloves if you need to touch your traps. This will keep your human oder or scent off the trap. Then the coyote is less likely to smell the trap.
The next steps would be to wax and dye your traps.