Share Your Trapping Photos
Welcome to the THF Outdoors! We would like to share our follower’s pictures here on our site and other social platforms. Follow the link below to share your awesome trapping photos.
Please keep all images family-friendly. My kids will probably be looking over my shoulder at all the awesome photos.
We will be sharing our favorite photos here on this page so don’t forget to check back and see all the awesome submissions.
Some people are telling me the form might be having a few issues. If it is not working for you you can email you images to us at Thanks!
All photos become the property of THF Outdoors to be used on this site and our social media accounts. Thanks for sharing your success trapping with us!
Submitted Photos

Related: Badger Trapping

Related: Fox Trapping

These photos came from John S. Thanks John! Family trapping trips are the best.
“Took all three daughters with on a nuisance job. 5 months old 5 years old 6 years old. Do whatever it takes to get out there.” – John S.
Related: Beaver Trapping

Thanks to Robert R. for sharing these awesome pictures.

Related: Coyote Trapping