Eagle Camera, Rare trail camera footage
Eagle Cam
These eagles were the last animal I thought I would get on my trail camera but here they are. Two golden eagles decided to stop by and have some dinner.
In this video, we used the Primos Proof 3 trail camera (listed below). Currently, this is my best trail camera and has been collecting many amazing videos.
Promos Proof 3 trail camera
This camera captured most of the footage in this video of the deer during the day.
Golden Eagle Facts

- Golden eagles can have a wingspan reaching between seven and eight feet.
- These eagles can fly super high, up to 10,000 feet.
- Golden eagles eat rabbits, fish, and other small animals and scavenge on deer, elk, and other similar animals.
- Golden eagles range around the entire northern hemisphere of the world including Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America.
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