Alabama Trapping
Alabama is an awesome state to go trapping in. There are five species that are open to trapping year-round and a lot more critters you can trap during trapping season.
To get more involved in trapping in Alabama or to get started trapping, follow the links below in the “How To Get Started Trapping In Alabama” section.
Trapping Coyotes in Alabama
Alabama Trapping Equipment
Free Alabama Outdoor App
Animals You Can Trappin In Alabama
Beavers are designated as a fur-bearing animal in the state of Alabama. They are open year-round to trapping and hunting in Alabama. There is no bag limit on beavers and they are only to be hunted during daylight hours.
For more information on beaver laws and regulations you can see the Alabama beaver trapping regulations.
Bobcats can be trapped in Alabama during the designated trapping season. There is no bag limit to the number of bobcats you can take during trapping season.
Bobcats are open to hunting in Alabama year round with no bag limit on the number that can be taken.
All bobcats must be tagged before they can be sold. The law states:
“Persons taking bobcat… must have the fur or pelts tagged by representatives of the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries within 14 days of taking and before the fur or pelt is sold or otherwise disposed of.” –Alabama Trapping Regulations
See regulations about Alabama Bobcat Trapping
Coyote trapping tips and tricks
Coyotes are prevalent in most of the United States. They have learned to adapt to most habitats. In many states, coyotes are in season for hunting year-round.

Coyotes can be trapped year-round in Alabama and there is no bag limit to the number of coyotes that can be taken. There is also no season for hunting coyotes so they can also be hunted year round.
Coyote furs are best starting in November through January. Later coyotes usually start rubbing in December and January leaving a large hole in the fur where the coyote rubs its back on the top of the den. This causes fur to lose value.
See more information about coyote trapping in Alabama
Red fox is considered a furbearer in Alabama and can be trapped only during the designated trapping season by an individual that is a licensed fur chaser.
There is no bag limit when hunting or trapping red fox in Alabama. Hunting currently has no season for red fox so they can be hunted year round.
See all regulations on red fox trapping in Alabama.
Like red fox, the gray fox is grouped under the fox regulations in Alabama and can only be trapped in the state during the designated trapping season. Also they have no bag limit to the number that can be taken.
Hunting of the gray fox is open year round but can only be hunted at night with dogs.
See all regulations on gray fox trapping in Alabama.
See more about trapping mink (coming soon)

Mink are designated in Alabama as a fur bearing animal. Mink are not allowed to be hunted in Alabama but may only be trapped during the designated trapping season.
See more on mink trapping in Alabama
See more about trapping muskrat (coming soon)

One of the most common and simple animals to trap is the muskrat. The muskrat is designated as a fur bearing animal in Alabama. Muskrats can not be hunted but can be trapped during the designated trapping season.
See more on trapping muskrat in Alabama
For more about trapping nutria (coming soon)

Nutria can be trapped and hunted year round in Alabama, because they are an invasive species. There is no bag limit to the number you can take. Nutria can also be hunted year-round during daylight hours.
See more on trapping Nutria in Alabama
For more about trapping opossum (coming soon)

Opossums can be trapped year-round in Alabama. There is also no bag limit to the number of opossums that you can take. They can also be hunted night and day.
See more on opossum trapping in Alabama
River otter
See more about trapping otter (coming soon)

Otter are considered a fur bearing animal in the state of Alabama. They can only be taken by trapping during the designated trapping season.
Otter must also be tagged, the law states:
“Persons taking… otter must have the fur or pelts tagged by representatives of the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries within 14 days of taking and before the fur or pelt is sold or otherwise disposed of.” –Alabama Trapping Regulations
See more on trapping otter in Alabama
Raccoons can be trapped year-round in Alabama. There is no bag limit except on public land and on public land you are only allowed five per party.
They are also open to hunting year round. On private property and leased property there is no bag limit. Season for hunting raccoons is year-round.
See more on trapping raccoons in Alabama
Striped Skunk
More on skunk trapping (coming soon)

Striped skunks can be trapped in Alabama but not hunted. They can be trapped during designated trapping seasons. Striped skunks are designated as fur-bearing animals.
See more on trapping striped skunks in Alabama
Hog and Swine

Feral swine and hogs are an invasive species and can be trapped and hunted year round in Alabama. There is no limit to the number that can be taken. It is illegal to release a feral swine or hogs after they have been trapped.
See more on feral swine and hog trapping in Alabama
Hog Trapping in Alabama
Coyotes, Beaver, Raccoons, Opossum, and Nutria season dates are always open.
Disclaimer: This website is not built by the State of Alabama, or Division of Wildlife. Please verify all laws based on guide books and laws.
How To Get Started Trapping in Alabama
For more on trapping in Alabama
Buy a trapping license in Alabama
Alabama trapping laws for furbearers
Facebook Group for Alabama Trappers
Facebook Group for Sothern Trappers
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