Badger Trapping
Have you ever seen a badger and wanted to catch one? Trapping badgers is not much different from trapping coyotes. They can even be trapped in coyote sets. In this article, we will look at some tips and tricks that can help you target and trap badgers.
So the biggest thing you are looking for when trapping badgers locating them. Badgers can be found often by the holes they are digging. This can help you get close to where they are because they may still be down in that burrow.
Badgers are a preditor that is still looking for a meal and they will dig to get it. A dirthole set can work very effectively for a badger. A dirthole set can also be very good for catching other target animals as well.

Trapping Badgers With Conibears
Here is a video that shows how to trap badgers with conibears. In the video, it is recommended to get close to where a badger has been digging and set up a conibear trap in a bucket away from the hole instead of over the hole.
This is because the badger may not come out of the hole it has been digging head first, it may come out backward and you don’t want to catch it backward in a conibear.
Putting bait in the bucket will force the badger to come in forwards and get caught correctly in the trap.
I would like to thank 5911ryan for posting this video.
Trapping a Badger
Badgers can dig better than most critters and so I think a longer chain or cable to hold the badger can be helpful. If it is too short the badger may be more likely to dig up your steak.
Another setup that might be helpful is to use a drag on your trap. The drag can not be dug up it will get tangled in brush and keep the badger from digging up your trap.
Badger Trapping Sets
Here are a few sets that may come in handy when setting traps for badgers. You may also catch coyotes, bobcats, or fox in these sets as well.
- Dirt hole set
- Flat set
- Blind set
- Bucket set with a conibear
- Bone set
- Cage trap
Badger Traping Bait
Here are a few baits, lures, and attractants that might come in handy when trapping badgers this season.
Badgers Can Be Traped in these States
- Utah Badger Trapping
- More state information coming soon…