Bobcat Versus Rattlesnake
Bobcat and Snake
It always made me wonder, what is a preditor to a rattlesnake? In this video, it shows a bobcat taking on a rattlesnake and killing it and then eating it.
With an interesting tactic, the bobcat swats at the snake trying to get it to strike. After the strike, the snake is very vulnerable. The bobcat hits the rattlesnake on the top of the head.

Camera Traps
So if you have never tried a camera trap now is the time to get into it. With social distancing in full swing, you can get out and capture some amazing footage of your own.
I have been running trail cameras for the past two years, here are some good starter trail cameras that I have been using.
I would recommend two options after using these cameras. Proof 1 is probably the best quality video of all the cameras below. I really like that camera and I try to put it up where I think I am going to get my best footage.
The second choice I would use if I just wanted to see what animals are around is the Stealth Camera two-pack. The video quality is a little low but the batteries have lasted me about six months while running video mode.
Video mode eats up your batteries faster than any setting. Also with lower quality videos, you can get more footage into memory and leave them up for longer.
Trail Cameras We Use
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